Sunday, March 27, 2011

An art competition to save humanity

We're all well aware of the ill effects of fast food. Saturated fats, hydrogenated fats, sodium...they're all going to kill you one day. YOU know that, yet health scientists continue to churn out the same articles month after month. As if we needed another nutritional treatise to solve our impending doom.

The fact of the matter is that fast food is evil. I don't mean that is some vague figurative sense. I mean fast food is actually running a worldwide sleeper cell operation; it's waiting, watching, plotting, and calculating to destroy everything you hold dear.

Fast food is infiltrating your life at an alarming rate and demoralizing your psyche. You think you can "determine" your level of health by the dietary choices you make every day. WRONG. That idea was just planted in your mind by the vast fast food conspiracy. You have NO CHOICE. You've already been set up for failure. You must submit and eat that cheeseburger.

By "fast food" I'm not talking about executives from fast food companies. I mean the cheeseburgers themselves are planning to kill you in your sleep. This is obvious so I'm not going to explain it.

So, artists of PA-G unite! Exercise your artistic powers and draw your best renditions of evil fast food. Submit them to Paint Avant-Garde and tag them with "fast food is evil." This art competition will run until the end of Sunday, April 3rd and the top-rated artwork will win.

Do it to save humanity!

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