Monday, April 18, 2011

Interview with artist GiliusThunderhead

GiliusThunderhead's artworks range from cults to cats to commuter rails. He has an intriguing and unique portfolio of MS Paint art, and I recently had the opportunity to interview him:

How long have you been making art with MS Paint?

I have been making art with Paint for a long time, but not the type you see on my PA-G today. I first discovered Paint on our old, 486 computer when I was about 7 years old. Windows 3.1 had Paint way back when. I would draw elaborate plans for underground tunnel-complexes that would serve as my secret hideaway if I were to become an evil mastermind. I eventually abandoned that because our old-school printer would take over an hour to print just one page. But as for my PA-G, I began making the images you see there a little over a year ago.

I love your "Infamous Cult Leader" series. Do you think Charles Manson would approve?

Hahaha, glad you enjoy. Do I think Charles Manson would approve... I think Manson is too much of a malignant narcissist to give his seal of approval to any conception of his image that he doesn't have direct and complete control over. But I will say this. John Frusciante once said in a song, "A ship out in the distance, is here if I draw it." Don't look too long at the artwork, because Manson is there in the picture. The picture IS Manson.

Your artwork titled "Boston" is a charming portrayal of the average Bostonian. How is life on the Green Line?

If there are latent societal problems that are in need of addressing, the Green Line is the place they are going to come out. I think we should have social scientists and internal policy think tanks sit in on the Green Line undercover, and just make a careful study of things. Things in this country might change, fast. The Green Line can be a lovely reflection of half of everything that's wrong with our society. And I ride it almost every day. Excuse me while I vomit in this tiny bag.

What's the meaning of "Cat Butts"? The colors are lovely, and the "confucianism" tag is intriguing.

Hahaha. Thank you. I was up late one night creating a slew of random MS Paint artwork and that just came out. Cats are ridiculous creatures, and I've owned three of them. They are confusing, because when they go in the cat box, they will do their damndest to keep it a secret. "Hey, I'm not pooping in here!" But just look at the way their being was created... What they poop out of is, unfortunately, one of their body's most noticeable features. It's tragic, really. Originally the artwork was just going to be the cat butts and the sickly-colored poo-explosions, but then something told me, "No, I have to go 80's for this."

Your Cats vs. Lizards submission is worthy of explanation. What exactly is going on in "Cats Liberate Denver Intl. Airport"?

Yes, I call that one "Conspiracy Culture Satire Artwork." Everything in it is a reference to ideas from conspiracy culture. And I say that with love, because there really are some titans of research doing good work in the field of "Alternative Media" today. Basically, the murals you see are actual murals from Denver Airport, which seem to detail all kinds of weird things. World War III, evil Nazi terrorist soldiers, pandemics, disaster, Messianic figures, biblical prophecies like the US and Britain "beating their swords to plowshares," one world government, and many other things. Yes the murals are real, go take a look, they're weird. The cats in my picture are spiritually advanced beings shining their holy-cat light on our society's Power Elite, who embody control, repression, and just generally nasty stuff. But again, the artwork was created for the purpose of humor, so conspiracy-buff or not, please look at it and enjoy a good laugh.

What's your favorite artwork on PA-G and why?

Hmm, tough question because I love so much of the art that people are putting up these days. I like a lot of zylis's artwork for the sheer absurdity and ridiculousness of it all. I think I jive with his sense of humor. "LOOOOOAF" is probably my favorite at the moment. It's just so damn ridiculous. Any time I'm having a bad day, if I log in and see that face, I'm going to laugh. Not to mention the Great Art Feud of Visual Responses that spawned in its stead, which is one of the things I love best about the community.

Do you have other creative outlets (and if so, what are they)?

Yes, I do. I am currently a music student at a contemporary school. I've done music, acting, a little artwork, and I like to journal and write. But my greatest creative outlet I think is human conversation. I love human interaction and I think it affords me some of the greatest opportunities to behave creatively.

Last of all, what's your favorite color and why is it the best color in the world?

Yellow. It is the color of the holy light in the heart. It is the color of willpower and steadfastness. It is the color of the sun, which rises in the morning and chases the darkness away. And it was the color of my blanket when I was a little boy. We could all gain something from appreciating yellow.

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